Dust Mites Information Center
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As we spend more time in our familiar spaces, we often miss the tiny things that might cause problems. This is especially true at home, where even really small stuff can go unnoticed. We spend about 7 hours every day in our beds, but we usually don’t realize the tiny world that’s there too.
You might not know, but there are very tiny bugs called mites in our beds. Most of them don’t do any harm, but it’s still not very nice to think about. These bugs make about 200 times their own weight in waste during their life, and that turns our mattress into a place with lots of allergens. Just like us, these bugs like the warm and humid environment of our beds. They eat the dead skin cells we leave behind. Take care of your mattress, furniture, and carpets with our special MattPro® TwinPower.
The Challenges
Here are some facts about dust mites
We spend about 7 hours a day sleeping on our mattress, which is about a third of our whole life. Good mattresses can last 10-15 years, making them the longest in our homes.
There are around 1.5 million bugs & mites, in our mattresses. They leave behind their droppings, dead skin, and even mold. These things are also in our carpets and furniture.
In their lifetime mites produce about 200 times the feces of their body weight which has bad affect on our health and causes chronic diseases such as allergies and asthma.
Mite droppings are small balls with mucus. They become a powder like dust and containss guanine.
Guanine is recognized to trigger allergic responses in humans and is a leading cause of asthma attacks.
It includes skin and mucous membrane inflammation in the nose, reddening of the eyes, and coughing.